Creative Producer / Senior Social Media Manager

Reported to the VP of Marketing as the visual brand lead and content producer–tasked with storytelling across product and brand collateral. I produced and shot all content across our social media platforms with the aid of our creative assistant with retouching.


In this portion of my portfolio, you will find a library of branded assets spanning print, digital, and mockup of a website redesign in accordance with the company’s mission.

The index is in descending order;



‣ Nine curated timepiece collections; made in collaboration with Burns Group and Jack Studios

‣ Digital & social collateral for nine collections varied across different mediums

‣ An editorial piece on Central Watches and a profile review on NFL player Devon Kennard

‣ Digital ad placements and home landing page; made in collaboration with the lead creative director at Burns Group


web design + collateral

content production; social + digital collateral


11j profile v2.png



editorial + profile review



ad placements

