Reported to the EIC assisting in copy-writing, design, and production-for 6 seasons.

Eventually, it led me to my first cover, Volume 19 featuring Priyanka Chopra as the cover star.


In this section, you will find assorted editorial contributions I've made to Raine's platform in the following five categories: (Entertainment, Culture, Technology, Travel, and Fashion) with over 70+ articles in print and digital. Order of work featured, descending down.

  • Vol 19, Lead Producer and Stylist

  • Vol 16, Assistant Producer

  • ‘Chromat’ Editorial, Writer

  • ‘Summer Chic’ Editorial, Assistant Producers

  • Vol 15, Assistant Producer

  • ‘Stylinity’ Editorial, Writer

  • Vol 14, Fashion & Photo Assistant

  • ‘Indie Fashion Week’ Editorial, PR & Writer

  • ‘The Reality of America’s Top Models’, Writer

  • Vol 13, Fashion & Photo Assistant

  • ‘Class Actress’ Editorial, Writer

  • Vol 12, Fashion & Photo Assistant

  • ‘Tie Society’, Writer


untitled magazine