Planet Kind’s Campaign SS21

Production + post by Moonland
Agency Circus Maximus

For Planet Kind’s launch, we created a suite of videos and stills about being kind to skin and planet.



Directed by Jillian Iscaro
DP Joshua Echevarria
Producer TMC
Production Designer Allie Leone
Stills photography by Stephanie BC

Talent; Ayumi, Alex, Kevin + Shu


additional video cuts


Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 9.38.40 AM.png

Planet Kind Unisex: 15

Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 9.38.46 AM.png

Planet Kind Womens: 15

stills assets


Photographer Stephanie Chang
Set Stylist Vivian Loh
Producer Me

Talent Ayumi, Alex, Kevin + Shu


teen vogue x levis


spongelle (commercial)